Good Kids
I am a good kid. I follow all the rules. I minimize riskiness. I go to church every Sunday and my parents haven't forced me to in at least 15 years. My friends reaction upon hearing this information tends to veer in this direction :
But there are a lot of us actually. And we are pretty normal if i do say so myself. We still have normal jobs and date and drink alcohol (being a good kid has preserved my alcohol tolerance in adulthood). We watch the same movies as everyone else and we still like fashion and feminism. We just might see things through a slightly different lens.
Us weird church kids need to stick together. This can be the place where we ask ourselves what Jesus would think of the Marc Jacobs presentation and debate religious iconography in Harry Potter. We can work out how to balance church culture with our feminism and unpack how youth group impacted our sense of identity.
So pull up a chair. Maybe bring a blanket. Get comfortable and join the little online sleepover I want to invite you all to.